Thursday, March 2, 2017

Key Differences Between an Architect And a Construction Manager

Hello, my name is Rudy Gabsi. Today, I will help you distinguish architecture and construction by explaining the fundamental differences between an architect’s job and a construction manager’s. Please read through the following article to learn more about the distinction between these two. 

Many times clients come up to me and ask,“ Rudy, would you please tell me what the difference between an RD and an architect is and which one should I hire for my upcoming housing project?”.  Here is the thing, when you work in close collaboration with both architects and their construction counterparts, you gain a clear perspective of the fundamental differences between these two equally noble professions.

Choosing the right career path
If building and construction are sorts of your thing too, you should totally go for it! Here is what you need to know first to help you make the right career choice i.e. if you were to choose between architecture and construction management.

Educational backgrounds
Architects have to go through a 5-year bachelor of architecture degree inclusive of internship or several internships. On the other hand, construction managers undergo four-year training in the bachelor’s degree in construction and internship is optional.

On average, though, an architect earns less that a construction manager annually. Moreover, still, depending on your locality, designers will require required licensure to operate which they can only obtain by passing a set licensing exam. Construction management on the other side does not need any certification beyond graduation and joining professional bodies is optional.

Poles in the various stages of putting up a building
The major difference between the roles of architecture and construction is that the architect plays a significant role in the planning process before actual construction. The construction managers then take over major roles following the drawings of the architect ensuring everything is going according to plan and on schedule. During the construction period, the architect only monitors the work and provides new drawings if changes to the original design are necessary. At the end of this time, once the building is complete, the architect has to review the quality of the implemented design and fill out final acceptance documentation.

The bottom line: you need them both!
Moreover, in conclusion, the art of construction requires both architecture and construction experts and knowledge equally. There is not one without the other here just that professionals in these areas specialize on either one. Both architects and construction managers are equally important to the success of your project and from a financial perspective you cannot afford to do without either on as this would cost you in the long run.

Either you end up with a shoddy design with no aesthetic value or you have excellent drawings but a shoddy building anyway. At least that is what Rudy Gabsi thinks! Until next time, goodbye and good luck with your upcoming project

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